Louisiana makes history

I’m angrier than a Christian who sees that what happened just now didn’t happen sooner.  Last month, I reported that Louisiana was set to become the first state to mandate the Ten Commandment’s display in public schools.  Well, that bill has become law.  The governor signed it into law yesterday.

The display must be poster-sized and in an easily readable font.  This is a win for Christians not just in the state, but all over the nation.  After all, we were founded on Christianity.  Not only that, but our money still says, “In God we trust.”  So the days of forcing God out of public school are over.  This is an awesome thing.

The poster must be displayed starting early next year.  The next step should be prayer in public schools.  That should happen during homeroom for high school students and at the beginning of the school day for others.  This law, should anyone try to protest it, is constitutional and it is legally sound.

The only people who would dare object this deserve to have their religion shunned from public view.  Then we’ll see how they like it!