Put Kindlon in!

I’m angrier than a boozehound who just found out that a strawberry daiquiri he bought is 80% alcohol and 20% strawberry.

Local politics are heating up as election day draws closer and closer.  One of the more lively campaigns is for the office of district attorney.  So far, there are two candidates: the incumbent, David Soares.  He is a controversial figure who has been serving as DA since 2004, because he, by his own admission, wrote his own bonus check when he wasn’t entitled to it.  He conveniently gave the money back, but only when he was exposed.  His conscience, if he has one, didn’t get to him, it was the fear of being exposed for all to see.

Our district attorney obviously needs to be ethical and trustworthy.  In my opinion, Soares is neither.  According to his campaign website, he is “fighting crime and giving hope.”  His website goes on to say:

“Albany County District Attorney David Soares has dedicated his life to fighting crime and building hope across Albany County. As a leader in smart reform in law enforcement, District Attorney Soares is a leading voice in ensuring one standard of justice for all.”

So, he’s saying that we should all have a “standard of justice,” but it’s okay to write himself a big check?  Okay, that makes sense.

His website also claims that he is “fighting crime and building hope.”  For me, it all goes back to that bonus issue.  If he can’t be trusted with his own offices’ monies, then why should voters keep him in office?  We can’t have elected officials double-dipping.

His opponent is one Lee Kindlon.  In a campaign email, Kindlon claimed that Soares didn’t file his financial reports until Knidlon exposed him.  If that’s so, then it’s mighty convenient, isn’t it?  This speaks to what I think is Soares’ less-than-honest nature.  I mean, what did he have to hide?  Why was it so bad that he tried to distract people from his failure to timely file reports?

According to his website, Kindlon is one of the top attorneys in the Capital Region.  Indeed, he boasts an impressive resume.  His website goes on to say:

“Now, he’s ready to take his years of experience and bring order to the law in the Albany County District Attorney’s office.

With his experience as a criminal defense attorney, Lee knows the pitfalls and the loopholes of prosecuting crimes. His experience will bring a new sense of purpose and a new perspective to the Albany County DA’s office.”

Soares has lost my trust as a local resident and a voter because of the bonus check issue and certainly now because of the filing issue.

I mean, how is he supposed to be trusted with the money at his disposal now?  Then, there’s a personal issue for me.  His office refused to look into allegations of physical and sexual abuse against me at the hands of Albany Police Department detectives and county deputies.  They were made aware of it years ago, but chose to ignore it.  We don’t need a district attorneys who ignore pleas for help.

It turns out, at least as far as I can see it, that one detective, Dave Bernacki, allegedly used information he had access to me from church that allowed detectives to harass me, attempt to take away my medical care and more.

He had no direct hand in the alleged abuse, but I fully believe he had a big hand in the information gathering part of the issue because of the power he has in his local congregation of the Mormon church.  It’s my belief and accusation that he abused that authority.

If you want to know more about the allegedly dirty detectives and deputies, then read this article.

I tried to be fair, even though he doesn’t deserve it, but Soares’ office wouldn’t return my calls or emails, and if Soares can’t be bothered to do an investigation, then he doesn’t need to be in office, does he?  No, he doesn’t.  I tried to get a fair comment, I really did.

If Soares won’t take his responsibilities seriously, then it is time to bring in new blood, and I think Kindlon is just the man for the job.

It doesn’t mean much, I know, but as a local resident, taxpayer, blogger and freelance reporter, I fully endorse Kindlon as our next district attorney.

I haven’t reached out to Soares to give him a fair shot at a response, because quite frankly, I’m a blogger, not a traditional reporter, so I don’t have to give both sides of the story.

Besides, anything he has to say would probably sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher.  If for some reason his campaign finds this article and wants to comment, they will not be afforded the chance.  Why?  Because I can do that!

Kindlon’s experience as a defense attorney makes him the ideal candidate because he’ll be able to handle the defense attorneys and public defenders as a district attorney.  That is an important skillset for a DA to have.

To me, the choice is clear.  Are we going to trust Soares with another term when he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, or are we going to bring a new, unique perspective to one of the most important offices in Albany County?

The answer is obvious.  It’s time to show Soares the door.

If you need it, here’s information on early voting and election days.  Kindlon needs our support, so let’s do this!  Show Soares the door.