LDS temple secrets they don’t want you to know

I’m angrier than a cat who just ran out of tuna.  That’s because I didn’t think of this sooner.  As my frequent visitors know, I joined the Catholic Church in 2022, but only last month officially and formally withdrew my membership in the “Mormon” church.

One of the things that I used to do as a Mormon is go to the temple.  First, I went to the temple located just outside of Hartford Connecticut.  There, I received my endowments, which Mormons believe to be a series of sacred covenants between the person and God.

You can read the script that is used in all temples.  I was then ordained an Elder, which is the highest priesthood office I was eligible for.

Finally, I was, according to the church, “sealed” to my wife, meaning that, according to them, she and I are husband and wife for all of eternity.  Now that I’ve formally left, the church no longer recognizes us as an eternal couple.  They still consider her as being sealed.  She will remain that way until one of two things happen.

First, if we divorce, she can request a cancelation of the sealing and our sealing will be declared null and void so that she’s free to be sealed to another man.  That’s fine with me, believe me.  If I die and she’s still living, the sealing can likewise be canceled and she’s free to marry another.

The sealing cancelation process is a formal one, and if we’re divorced, the church will, for some reason, try to reach out to me and get my thoughts on that.  I won’t respond, and after a period of time, the Office of The First Presidency, the highest governing body in the church, will approve the cancelation and she can move forward.

If we end up staying together, which I doubt, when I die, she’s guaranteed an eternal companion.  It just won’t be me, unless she decides to do my temple work, something that would require OFP approval.  She can have me rebaptized, re-ordained an Elder, endowed and then sealed.  I will then have the opportunity to reject or accept.  Guess which one that’ll be?  Oh, wait.  It won’t happen, because the temple work is all well-intentioned, but false.

Of course all of that’s hogwash, because Catholics and other true Christians know that there won’t be families in Heaven.  Once you’re dead, you will never see your family again.  That’s just the way that it is.

Then, I would go there to do temple work in the name of deceased ancestors.  The Mormons believe that they can stand in for a deceased person and do their temple work.  Then, in the Spirit World, the person can choose to accept or reject the work.

Now, when I’d go to the temple, I’d have to dress myself in what they consider to be sacred robes and attire.  I’ve gotten a few emails asking what those garments look like, so here are two photos.

There, you see the robes and there you see a green apron and a baker’s hat.  These things are taken seriously by the Mormons and are considered to be sacred.

It is possible to see for yourself what goes on in a Mormon temple.  A former member, Michael Norton, who goes by the handle New Name Noah (everyone who is endowed gets a “secret” temple name.  Mine’s Saul!), has a series of hidden-camera videos that show what actually happens.

There’s a temple movie that’s shown as part of the endowment ceremony.  There are several versions available, none of which are being used anymore, but you can get an idea of what Mormon beliefs are.  Watch this version.  It’s hilarious!

Norton has also made another hidden-camera video that shows an actual endowment ceremony.

What I’m not showing here is the so-called “magic underwear.”  They are basically “sacred” garments that are worn at all times underneath one’s clothes.  I’m not showing them because I’ve already thrown them out, but I thought I’d at least show the temple clothing.

The Mormon church doesn’t want you to see these things, because of what is to them the sacred nature of the garments and other temple clothing, including a white tie.  The shirt, the pants, the tie: all white, as if their temple is pure.

I have no need for the temple clothing, so if you want the items, to do with whatever you please, just contact me, and  we’ll work something out.  They mean nothing to me now.  Not that they ever really meant anything.  I always thought and still think that what goes on in there may be sacred to them, but is insane to the rest of the enlightened world.