It came into law

I’m angrier than a pro-choice moron who has just now realized that pro-life stances will always win.  I’m angry because Louisiana didn’t do this sooner.  As I reported on Thursday, Louisiana was fixing to make a law where abortion pills would become controlled dangerous substances.

Well, yesterday, the bill became law.  It becomes the only state with such a law.  Hopefully, the 49 other states will man up and do what’s right.  The bill passed 29-7, which shows there are seven cowards in their state Senate.  When will people have the courage to do what is right?

PFN Joe Biden is outraged, but guess what?  It’s out of his hands!  As a supposedly devout Catholic, he should be on board with this law.  But no, he’s throwing a hissy fit.  If I took showers with my daughter like he did, I’d be throwing a hissy fit too.

NBC News reported thusly:

“This is a scary time for women across America,” Biden said, adding that if Trump were re-elected he would “try to make what is happening in states like Louisiana a reality nationwide.

Well, first off, Trump is our 47th president.  Secondly, it will be a good thing if he makes it a “reality nationwide.”  The laws will protect unborn babies and will discourage cowardly women from murdering their own child.  That’s what women who get abortions, I feel.  They’re, in my view, murderers.  There is never an excuse for an abortion.  Never.

Louisiana did the right thing.  Let’s see if more states have the guts to do the same.