Well, it’s a start

I’m angrier than a pig farmer without all of his pigs because someone almost got away with almost killing someone.  But today, the Albany Police Department, despite its incompetence, announced an arrest of an ATV rider who stands accused of hitting Alexa Kropf, 19.

For a bit, it looked as if the suspect was going to get away with it, but as the first TV station in the world and local CBS affiliate WRGB reported, Austin Breyette was arrested yesterday morning and charged with second-degree assault and leaving the scene of a personal injury accident, even though we all know it wasn’t an accident.

ATV riders have been terrorizing Albany residents, roaring down public roadways despite the fact that state law forbids such conduct.

Kropf, a SUNY Albany student, was hit with such force that she flew in the air and wound up in the hospital in a coma.  She’s recovering now and she’s going to survive, which is lucky for Brevette.  Otherwise, he’d be looking at murder, homicide or manslaughter charges.

APD’s cowardly chief, Eric Hawkins, had this to say in a statement to the media:

“Albany Police Department Detectives worked tirelessly to ensure that the perpetrator of this egregious, unconscionable act was held accountable.  Alexa and her family will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers as she recovers,” Hawkins said. “Our message is clear- the Albany Police Department will continue to use every available resource to pursue and bring to justice anyone who decides to commit acts of violence within the City of Albany.”

Well, he may be a coward, but he’s right.  Something has to be done about the ATV riders.  That something should include lengthy prison sentences.  Not county jail.  Not state prison.  Federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.  That oughta wake them up, don’t you think?

Brevette is set to be arraigned in Albany Criminal Court, although it was unclear when that arraignment would be or if it’s already happened.  It’s also unclear whether he will be arraigned and released, or if he’ll be sent to the Albany County Justice Facility on either bail or no bail.

Given the seriousness of what he’s accused of, and given that the APD clearly thinks he’s a threat to public safety, perhaps the best thing for the city is for him to have no bail whatsoever.  With him off the streets, in my opinion, the city is just a little bit safer.