They f’d around and found out

I’m angrier than an American patriot who sees that Russia is victimizing Ukraine with an unjustified war.  But the good news is that Ukraine’s military is kicking butt and taking numbers.  Stunning footage shows Russian soldiers being sent flying when their patrol boat is literally blown out of the water courtesy a Ukrainian drone.

The Russians had no choice but to swim for their lives only to find out that they were being baited into a most unpleasant death.  A dead Russian is never a bad thing, especially these days!

Of course, Russia’s playing the victim despite the fact that they initiated the unwarranted attacks against Ukraine, a country that has none nothing wrong and has minded its own business.  Well, they certainly have the right to defend themselves and they absolutely have the right to retaliate.

The Russian soldiers got what was coming to them.  In other words, they fu–ed around and found out.