It’s almost too easy

I’m angrier than a can of Coke alone with cans of Pepsi because more “too easy” stories don’t happen every day.  The jokes write themselves on this one, but I’m going to go ahead and write this anyway.

The Colonie New York Police Department is conducting an investigation into alleged theft of doughnuts.  Because of the nature of the missing merchandise, you can bet that all available units were dispatched to this one.  Cider Belly Doughnuts, located on Fuller Road, was allegedly broken into and the purported thief was said to cause thousands of dollars in damage.

After the police took SD cards from the store’s cameras, they left and the staff, including some on their days off, came in to help put things back together so that the store could open for business as usual.

We can fully expect that this case has the attention of each and every Colonie cop, because, hey, what’s a cop without his doughnut?

I am confident that, because of the nature of the damage, the alleged thief will be caught.  Of course, this means that because so many officers will be diverted, more serious incidents might be given less priority.  In fact, in the nature of professional courtesy, Colonie cops might invite other agencies to join in.
