What if it winds up being a tie?

I’m angrier than an independent presidential candidate who’s just learned that an independent will never, ever make it to the General Election and, as a consequence, will never become president.  That’s because there are still so many people out there supporting a known pedophile, one PFN Joe Biden.

Yes, a pedophile.  There are plenty of photos of him touching little girls inappropriately and he has apparently admitted to taking a shower with a twelve-year-old girl when he was thirty.

We all know that it’s going to be Trump vs. the guy who can’t seem to stay awake.  We also know that there’s no point in having an election; Trump will go down in history as the 45th and 47th president.  When that happens, he will become only the second president to serve a split term, the first being Grover Cleveland.

But of course we have to have an election, and that begs one question: what if it’s a tie?  It’s highly unlikely, but it could apparently happen.  In fact, it’s happened before!  In the 1824 election, exactly two hundred years ago, John Quincy Adams defeated Andrew Jackson.

Adams got more electoral voters than his opponent, but only did so because the House elected him president.  This only happens when neither candidate garners more electoral votes.  So, given that it’s happened once, it could happen again in November.

If neither Trump nor Biden gets the majority electoral votes, then the House will be the body that decides whether an apparent sleepy, trippy pedophile or an American hero who wants to make America great again will occupy the White House.

This race is a heated one and it’s anyone’s guess as to what’s going to happen.  But things could get so tight that it could come down to a few thousand votes in key battleground states.  For my international readers who may not know how things work here, a candidate has to get 270 electoral votes in order to be the victor.

The popular vote, meaning how many people actually voted for a candidate, is pretty much worthless in our country.  One can get less popular votes but can prevail through the Electoral College.  This has happened four times before in our nation’s history.  It happened in 1876, 1888, 2000 and 2016.

I won’t pretend to know how elections work in other countries, but that’s how it works in our great land.  Is it fair?  Well, life isn’t fair, but again, that’s how it works.  As they say, if you don’t like it, you’re free to not let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

There’s apparent doubt as to whether Trump or Biden will gather the necessary 270 Electoral College votes, and that means things could get spicy.  The precedent is that the House will decide, but could it go all the way to the United States Supreme Court?

Yes, it absolutely could.  It’s happened before!  One of our nation’s most controversial elections was decided by SCOTUS in 2000, when it came down to George W. Bush vs. Al Gore.  I remember that election well, because at the time, I was running the master control room at a television station.  That basically means I was literally running the station.

The expectation was that the election would be decided in time for late night programming.  Of course, that didn’t happen.  I got an alert from NBC that stated the election coverage would continue without further explanation.  As we all might recall, the were “voting irregularities” in Florida.

Through the night and early morning, NBC alerted master control operators nationwide that live news coverage would continue for a half an hour and another alert and so forth.

The station policy was that I was mandated to call the programming director to get authorization to continue to pre-empt programming.  Even though the answer was obvious, I had to wake her up every thirty minutes.  Finally, when it looked like the news would hand over to Today, I was authorized to stay with the NBC feed. And as we all know, the networks all stayed with their special report, and some anchors, like Katie Couric, worked through the night.

She had to get to the Today studio, so she went a long time without a break.  She was so tired that she stumbled slightly as she left the breaking news set for the morning show’s set.  I could go on and on about the behind the scenes drama, but I knew by 1:00 a.m. that the election was going to make history.  And of course, it did.

It couldn’t be settled in Florida as to who won, because, among other things, of “hanging chads,” and to cut to the chase, SCOTUS got involved and handed down a decision that became one of our nation’s most controversial moments in time.

Florida’s Supreme Court ordered a statewide recount.  It all came down to 61,000 votes that the tabulation machines failed to count properly.  Bush’s attorneys stepped in and demanded that SCOTUS get involved and bring a halt to the recount.  The end result here is that on December 12, 2000, SCOTUS ruled in favor of Bush.

To kind of cut to the chase here, SCOTUS’ controversial decision that Bush won, which gave Bush 271 votes, handing him, as we all know, his White House bid.  Bush’s victory was perhaps the most controversial presidential win in the entire history of the United States.  Some claimed he was an illegitimate president, but SCOTUS, in its wisdom, followed the law and the Constitution, especially the Twelfth Amendment.

I discussed that election’s lengthy process to point out what could happen in November.  I don’t think there’ll be any hanging chads, but the matter could escalate all the way to SCOTUS and, twenty-four years after its history-defining decision, the highest Court in the land could decide whether Biden keeps the metaphorical keys to the White House, or whether Trump gets them back.

Unfortunately, Trump will be up against simple mathematics.  Even if he were to flip currently blue states to red, he comes up short.  He absolutely has to flip Arizona, Nevada and Georgia just to have a fighting chance at the necessary electoral votes.  Methinks that the voters in those states will see reason and another Biden win is not reasonable.

In the coming months, campaigning will become more intense on the parts of the three candidates, and it’s highly likely that Trump will win over enough voters, and that would change the map to majority red.  The thing is, Biden keeps screwing up day by day.

He can’t keep his balance.  He can’t stay awake.  He can’t read a teleprompter.  He can’t stop checking his watch at a fallen soldier’s Dignified Transfer.  Oh, and he can’t keep his hands off of little girls.  It’s probable that voters who handed him the necessary electoral votes will gain some common sense and put the best president in recent memory back in office.

Another “X” factor is John F. Kennedy, Jr., whose pathetic attempt at winning the White House may disrupt things a little bit.  He could take away much-needed electoral votes from either Biden or Trump and that would ultimately decide which man gets the win.  However, there is no realistic chance that Kennedy will come anywhere near to the votes needed.  All Kennedy is is a cockroach running around the country.

If the matter goes to the House, and it almost certainly will, it is most likely that they will give Trump what he needs to waltz back into the White House and save our country.  Biden wants, along with his fellow DemocRATS, to ruin our country even more than he already has.  That cannot stand.

Whatever happens, a decision might not be reached until just before the January 20th inauguration.  Of course, there are other scenarios that could contribute to the 2024 election being the most nail-biting election in, for some of us, a lifetime.  Either man could have a heart attack, for example.

If either candidate bites the big one before the nominees are officially chosen, then the party will, according to its own policies, choose another candidate.  If they die after becoming official, then that could turn the election into a chaotic state.

And, of course, if the chosen man dies before taking office, then that would be historic.  If I remember my Civics class correctly, the vice president-elect would become the next president and would choose his own vice president.

Whatever happens, the Constitution and perhaps SCOTUS, will definitely play a huge role this time around.  The networks will definitely be covering the news all night long, just like it did in 2000.

This election has the potential to be more controversial than the extremely intense Bush v. Gore election.  But all we as Americans can do as of right now is hope for the best.  And the best is that the victor will be the man who, unlike Biden, truly wants to Make America Great Again!

Go, Trump!