Why did it happen?

I’m angrier than a pigeon without filth to wallow in here.  Now comes a second occasion where a barge has struck a bridge.  This time it happened in Pelican Bay in Texas.  And, according to news reports, chemicals are leaking out of the barge.

The Gulf Intracoastal Waterway is now closed and all because the operator of the barge obviously couldn’t maintain control of the vessel.   It’s turned into a major disruption and quite frankly it’s become quite a mess.  So the question is this: how did this happen in the first place?

In my opinion, there’s only one answer: operator incompetence.  What other logical explanation could there possibly be here?  Absolutely no explanation whatsoever!

The crash today caused evacuations and power outages, meaning that innocent people are paying the price for what I believe to be the fault of the operator.  It’ll probably take a while for their investigation to get to the bottom of things, but one thing is for sure: someone’s going to pay.