Why can’t this happen here?

I’m angrier than an iPhone user without a security update here.  So angry am I that I can’t muster the wherewithal to drink the rest of my Vanilla Coke.  Why am I that upset?  I’m irate because things like this don’t happen here in Albany.

On Saturday night, three Atlanta police officers were shot as they responded to a call for a possible gun.  The suspect was in possession of both a gun and a knife, according to ABC News.  The alleged gunman wound up dead at the hands of those police officers.

The three hapless sons of bitches were taken to the hospital and were alive.

Now, why can’t anything fun like that happen here in Albany?  The closest we had was an APD cop who was shot in the thigh.  One of these days, however, the APD is going to run out of luck and I hope to be there to witness it all when it does end up happening.  It may not happen for a long time, but I’m patient.

As for these officers, they’re going to be okay, it seems.  Oh, well, you can’t win ’em all, I guess.