I’m angrier than an American Sign Language interpreter who just found out his client is actually hearing right now. Even after all these years, people are still being reminded that the deadline for converting your driver’s license or state ID card to a REAL ID-compliant card is approaching early next year.
There’s no excuse to not have a compliant card. None. This has been going on for years and still there are people who still need to go to the DMV and get that sorted. Indeed, once the deadline has passed, those without a REAL ID card will not be able to get into certain federal buildings or a nuclear power plant. They will so be forbidden to fly domestically.
Look at your card right now. If there’s a star in the upper right-hand corner, then you are compliant and have nothing to fear. But if you still have a license, you are way behind and need to go to the DMV with the proper identification and get your card switched out,
In order to get the card, you will need proof of your Social Security number and proof of your residential address (you’ll need two forms of documentation vouching for that address). With the deadline approaching next year, you might think that you still have time. Once the deadline gets closer, the procrastinators will all be bum rushing the DMV, which means chaos will reign and lines will be long.
Who wants to deal with wait times that could get into hours? Why not get after it right now? I took care of my business a couple of years ago, so I’m sitting back and laughing at the people who keep putting it off and putting it off. I’ll laugh even more when people who waited until the last possible moment all descend on the DMV.
All you need is the proper documentation. Then make an appointment on the DMV’s website to minimize your wait time as much as possible. It’s so simple. Why are people waiting? The news article that I linked you to lists the possible documentation that you can use. You should already have these documents in your custody, so there shouldn’t be any excuses.
Yes, if you find yourself in long lines because you waited this long, you have only yourself to blame and I am laughing at you. If you, like me, are all set, then good on you, you’re not an idiot!