Adultery? So what?

I’m angrier than an ugly woman who realizes that she’s not worth raping over this next story right here, gentle reader.  It seems that in my much-hated home state of New York, those who commit adultery could be ejected from the House.  However, they wouldn’t be arrested.

You see, in some states, adultery is on their books as being a crime, which means that darn near everyone would be in jail.  As I’ve previously admitted, I committed adultery on my second wife with a seventeen-year-old young woman when I was ten years her senior many years ago.  I admit to it here so you know where I’m coming from.  Yep, I did it.  Yes, I regret it.  My marriage almost ended because of it, but despite all that, I’m not in jail.  And lawmakers who commit adultery should not be punished.  Adultery isn’t that serious of a thing, folks.

New York is one of the states that technically makes adultery a crime, all thanks to a law passed in 1907.  Thankfully, that law might soon be stricken from the books.  A bill to that effect has been passed today by the state Senate.

At the time that the law was enacted, you see, adultery was the only way to terminate the marriage.  But that was then.  Of course you can get a divorce without adultery coming into play. The last time that crime of adultery was used was back in 2010 and the charge ended up being dropped.  If adultery were such a serious thing, the charge would have stuck.

Now, the ball is in Governor Hochul’s court.  Will she accept the lawmakers’ decision, or will she keep the law on the books, potentially paving the way for cheated-upon spouse to ruin the adulterer’s life?  The law needs to be taken off the table.

Adultery can be a painful thing, but punishing people for doing it is unreasonable to say the least?