Slime defends slime

I’m angrier than a popcorn fanatic without butter over the fact that Craig Apple, Albany County’s sheriff, has decided to endorse a fellow slimeball for the office of district attorney.  A little bit ago, I endorsed candidate Lee Kindlon, but Apple has decided to endorse the incumbent, David Soares.

Birds of a feather flock together, it seems.  Apple is supporting Soares despite the fact that the DA took it upon himself to issue himself a bonus, a bonus to which he was not entitled.  He gave the money back, not because he wanted to do the right thing, but because he was exposed.I can’t believe that a sheriff would support a guy who seems to me to be financially suspect.  I have a feeling that Soares is going to be ousted from office despite Apple’s decision, but it’s still disappointing.  Even though she’s absolute rubbish as a person, Albany’s mayor is supporting Kindlon.

But then again, it’s no surprise to me that Apple’s a douchebag.  He doesn’t care if his deputies assault people who are having a seizure.  Like I said…birds of a feather.