Pissing our money away

I’m angrier than an Albany taxpayer who sees where his money’s going right now.  That’s because the City of Albany New York is doling out $3 million as a settlement for a lawsuit brought against the city after Ellazar Williams fled from the Albany Police Department, an incompetent and immoral law enforcement agency.  Williams said that he was shot by APD officers.

The only reason he got shot was he ran from the cops in August of 2018.  He had to be neutralized before he hurt innocent people.  Despite the fact that the officers involved were not found to be in the wrong, Williams greedily sued the city and by extension, he sued you and he sued me.

Williams will be getting a payday of $750,000 a year over four years.  Oh yes, and Williams had a gun.  So, yeah, APD’s officers acted appropriately in this case.  It’s not often you’ll read me writing that.

Albany will not have to use insurance nor will they have to borrow the money.  Instead, the money will come from its general fund, which means that taxpayers’ dollars are being pissed away.  Leave it to our incompetent and reckless mayor to approve something like this.

Williams is no saint, that’s for sure.  He gave a teenager a gun who then shot and killed himself.  He’s looking at a prison sentence of up to four years when he is sentenced on July 12.