Did the Jews pull a boner?

I’m angrier than a college student whose university closed overnight about this one, because it looks like the Jews might have pulled a major boner.  It emerged today that Iran’s president Ebrahim Raisi was in a serious helicopter crash.  There are conflicting reports on whether he died or not, but regardless of that outcome, Iran is looking in Israel’s direction.  Gee, I wonder why people show such hostility against the Jews and their homeland?

A quote attributed to Iran’s Supreme Leader said: “If we find evidence that Israel is involved in the helicopter crash of the President of Iran, we will respond beyond the imagination of Israel and its allies.”  Israel’s apparently at it again and our government will likely continue to support them.

If it turns out that Israel did in fact do it, then there are going to be severe consequences for the tiny country.  Israel has proven to be quite the bully, but they still have supporters.  I strongly suspect that Israel pulled a major boner: they messed with Iran, a country with nuclear might.

Things are already bad enough for Israel.  By all accounts, it looks like it’s involved somehow in the crash.  That means that Iran might retaliate.  But if he’s dead, then all hell will rain upon the Jews.  Even if it’s absolutely confirmed that Israel attacked Iran unprovoked, I’m certain that many countries, including our own, will rush to its defense.

Russia is assisting Iran with hopefully finding survivors, but as of the time this article was published, it was not known whether or not Iran’s president is among the living or the dead.  Things will go sideways for Israel regardless, but things will be exceedingly bad if he’s dead.

That’s probably going to be considered as Israel’s declaration of war, and Iran will then be forced to defend themselves.  The only way to do that is for Iran to reduce Israel to radioactive ash.  Israel didn’t think this one through.

Why can no one see that Israel is not the victim?  It’s the aggressor, even if it turns out that they weren’t involved at all.  Israel has been bullying Iran for some time now, so in my view, Iran has every right to wipe Israel off the map.  I wonder why they haven’t already done it!

It’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out. Is he alive?  Is he dead?  Will Iran make good on its threat and stomp Israel?  Time will tell, but as far as I’m concerned, Israel deserves what it’s about to get.

I stand with Iran.