He got his

I’m angrier than an Albany New York detective with no one to physically or sexually assault over this next one right here.  I’m angrier that people such as the subject in this story even exist.  I’m even more angry that, in this particular case, I have to support a cop’s actions.

I’m already upset that ATV operators are terrorizing Albany.  I hate the sheriff because he won’t hold his deputies accountable, but I agree with his assessment that these scumbags are “terrorizing” Albany County.

So far, there has been absolutely no accountability because Albany’s detectives couldn’t detect flames in a fireplace.  There’s another ATV operator, this time in Connecticut, who could have done a lot of damage to body or property.
All it took is one cop, a cop who actually does his job, to stop that.  Supposedly, the operator lost “control” and almost killed innocent pedestrians.  The hero of the story swerved into the ATV’s lane and caused the driver to smash into the cop car.  The cop’s move saved lives and caused serious injuries to the jerk as well-deserved punishment.
The officer’s superiors back the actions of the cop, which is the only reasonable call they could have made.
Now, the ATV’s operator was given one final chance before impact, but he turned his nose at it and chose to instead take on some serious injuries, just like he deserved.
Here in Albany, the saga continues albeit with ten less weaponized ATV’s.  Neither cop nor detective seem capable or intelligent enough to a simple thing like stop them.  Fortunately for me, I haven’t been impacted by them, other than being inconvenienced by the noise.  They’re the reason why I stay alert and constantly look both ways while crossing a street, even on the walk sign.  If I do become a statistic, it won’t be for lack of trying.
Hopefully, what happened to this arrogant person will serve as a wake-up call.  That is, of course, if Albany’s punks can even read.