Hey, men, nice shot!

I’m angrier than a guy who just found out that he’s out of Coke that I
can scarce find the strength to type this article.  The anger comes
because a 67-year-old pedophile tried to have sex with two young girls who were supposedly waiting for him in a hotel room.

This happened in Seattle this past Wednesday.  The Seattle Police Department released bodycam footage yesterday.  The pervert in question showed up at a local hotel to two
meet two girls that he thought were seven and eleven.  What he didn’t
know was that officers with the SPD as well as agents with the Washington State Internet Crimes Against
Children Taskforce were lying wait, ready to arrest him.

upon the door being opened, the pervert drew a gun, which makes me
wonder what he planned to do to the two very young girls.  The man was
of course shot and died
at the scene.  You can see in the bodycam footage that the officers lit
him up.  He didn’t see it coming.  He thought he was going to take out
numerous cops.

How stupid are some guys?  Did he really think
that two girls aged seven and eleven would be alone in a hotel room,
ready, willing and able to have sex with a 67-year-old?  Why would
having sex with girls that age even cross his mind?

Even assuming
that the thing had been true and that these two young girls would be
willing to engage in sexual intercourse with a man many times their age,
it would be mentally and physically damaging to the girls.  The bodies
of girls that age aren’t built to accommodate the penis of a man that
age and size.  

He would have wrecked them physically and
mentally.  If he’d gone after an older, teenage girl, that would still
be sick as hell, but at least their bodies can handle something like
that.  Physically, anyway.

But what teenager or girl wants to
have sex with a man the same age as their grandfather?  Not a young girl or a teenage
girl is alive who would be attracted to that.  If he’d been successful
in engaging in sex with either these “girls” or a teenager, he would
wreck them mentally and physically.

And what if they changed their minds
before things got real?  He had a gun and he could have forced them to
engage in sexual behavior.  Maybe he had a camera and would have wanted
to take pictures of the girls in the nude, or worse yet, being abused.  By force if need be!  How sick is that?

This guy went out of his way to make it happen. He didn’t stop.  If he had sick fantasies that he kept to himself that would still be perverted beyond belief, but no one would get hurt and he’d still be alive, free to fantasize about sick stuff. Instead, he actually showed up.

things are wrong here.  Just the fact that he was 67 and “they” were as
young as “they” were is bad enough.  Why did he have a gun when he
thought he was going to hook up with young girls?  Did he plan to force
them into doing it?  Sick.

Before I conclude, I need to do one of those full disclosure things.  In my past, I’ve been sexually involved with younger girls.  Never a seven-year-old or an eleven-year-old (except once, but I was twelve, not in my sixties).  

I was with  a 17-year-old girl (the age of consent in NY is 17) when I was 27 and two fifteen-year-old friends who were girls and a few months from being 16 when I was 20 (in NJ where the AOC is 16).  Yes, I was honest with the about my age.  I didn’t have a gun.  I didn’t force anything on them.

But unlike this guy, I never pursued girls who were younger than that. I was creeped out about doing anything with them, but I lost my mind and they way they were dressed when they visited me made me lose my cool.  Not an excuse, but an explanation. 

Also unlike this guy, I didn’t go on the internet actively seeking them out.  I didn’t go to the food court trying to pick them up.  They came to me. So, to a degree, I can understand him wanting to be with a considerably younger girl.  But he went way beyond what’s tolerable.

As for the girls, the older one I met as part of writing an article for a website I ran at the time.  The younger ones kept visiting me at the store I managed in the mall.  

In both cases, it just happened. I never trolled for any of them.  This is private information indeed, but I need to be honest about this if I’m going to call this guy out. There are people who know about all of this and I don’t need them putting the information in the comments.  It’s best to to expose myself, so to speak.

Would I do it again?  A seventeen-year-old, if I ever had the chance again?  I don’t know.  Maybe.  It’s legal and it’s hot.  But 15?  Even if the opportunity presented itself, no girl that age wishes to be with a 46-year-old and I draw the line at 17, because that’s pretty much adulthood and it’s legal here.

But I can’t fathom trying to get with seven and eleven-year-olds.  Nothing about girls that age is sexual to me.  That’s appalling and a lot different than what I did.  What about girls that age is sexual? 

Why would he go out of his way to go to a hotel room, thinking that girls that age were waiting and willing?  

What in his mind was going on that would make him think that that would happen in reality?  

What would he have been done given that he had a gun and if there were actual girls that age in wait?

The SPD should be applauded for taking out the trash.