Another stupid thing

I’m angrier than a kitty cat with out wet food over this next one, folks.  And I mean I’m like a ham in Albany; I’m steamed!  Not so long ago, I ranted about parents being held criminally accountable for their son’s choice to shoot up a high school.  Well, it’s happened again, sort of!

This time, a former vice principal in Virginia is being held to account.  Ebony Parker faces eight counts of felony child abuse.  This after the kid allegedly shot his teacher.  Following her indictment last month, she left jail in the wee hours of the morning after finally posting bond.

It seems that school authorities are being accused of negligence for allowing the shooting to take place.  Here again is unfair and just plain idiotic charges.  Parker apparently had several teachers say they were worried about the student, but Parker allegedly ignored those concerns.

Even if it’s true that she didn’t take any action, she still didn’t make the choice to shoot up the school.  The child did, however.  Now, there’s a lot concern about missing documents pertaining to the student, but in the end it doesn’t really matter.  The child should be held to account, not the teachers’.