All out of ideas

I’m angrier than me without my iPhone over this next post.  I’m absolutely irate that I even have to author it.  You see, when I write blog posts, I do so using a variety of sources.  I have a folder on my Firefox browser’s toolbar that says, appropriately enough, “News.”  In that folder, I have a number of local and national news sources.

Usually, I have enough material at my disposal to right seven or eight posts per day.  Alas, this is only my second post of the day and that has me absolutely livid.  It is what some might call a slow news day.  There is absolutely nothing that tickles my fancy.

Yeah, there actually are tons of news stories out there today, but they’re mostly stories that I wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole.  I won’t write anything about politics, so that takes out most of today’s stories.  Then there are posts that make cops look like heroes. I can’t have that.  Stories about aftershocks, shootings and so forth are plentiful, but boring.  So, I won’t report on those types of stories.

I’ve decided to stop posting religious stories, although I have written a bit about Catholicism (my current religion) and Mormonism (my past religion of 30+ years).  Unless something major involving these two religions emerges, I’m not touching religious stories at all.  So there goes that idea.

I’m not above taking tips, so if you want to pitch a story idea, please email me at

In lieu of a news story, then, here’s a video I’m currently watching on YouTube.  It’s Oh, Suzanna, performed by German eurodance duo that is no longer together, Yamboo.  I’ve also been watching other videos today, such as Dutch artist Johnny Verweij’s Klompendans, which is a Dutch folk favorite.  I am of Dutch descent, and my grandmother used to play a lot of Dutch records when I was a young child.

One more video is by Ukrainian performer Sofia Shkidchenko, a young lady known for her yodeling.  She got her start at 13 on Ukraine Got Talent.  This video is from when she was all of 14.  Now 18, she continues to succeed because of her unique talent.

So there you are, two songs to watch/listen to.
