I don’t feel bad at all

I’m angrier than a pig that’s out of mud over the news that a New York City police officer is dead and the man cops say killed him is in the hospital as the result of being shot by the fallen officer’s partner.  But I’m not mad that the cop was shot.  Not at all.

No, I’m questioning the actions of the cop’s partner.  That partner apparently returned fire and seriously injured the accused gunman.  Was the partner in immediate danger?  Was the gun pointed at him at the precise moment that he returned fire?  Or, and I suspect that this is the case, was it a revenge killing that will be covered up and portrayed as being justified?

The purported gunman’s alleged partner in crime was paraded into court in a dog and pony show set up by the bitter cops.  It was clearly an act of retaliation and good old-fashioned revenge.  There is no excuse for he way that poor accused was treated.  The cops have the duty to act professionally, and the “perp walk” did not qualify as professional behavior.

The deceased cop was shot under his bulletproof vest and, according to video footage shot, for lack of a better word, at the scene, suffered greatly as he faded off into death.  I don’t feel bad about that at all.  He knew what he was getting into when he decided to become a police officer.

Even though the accused is black (I hate black people with a passion), I am defending his actions as defending a colored boy is the lesser of two evils.  And I have some questions.

1.) Was the officer wearing his vest properly?  If not, he brought his own death upon himself and there’s no one to blame but the officer.  I posit that the accused was merely defending himself.

2.) Did the officer protect himself sufficiently?  If not, he again brought his own death upon himself.

3.) Did he approach the accused in a threatening manner?  If so, then the alleged gunman had every right to fear for his life and because of that, the man cops are accusing of killing the officer acted appropriately.

4.) What else is the NYPD not telling us?  What are they hiding?

In the spirit of full disclosure, I hate cops.  I especially hate the Albany Police Department and each and every one of its officers and detectives because of the way I was mistreated by APD officers and detectives, as well as county deputies back in 2017 when I was arrested for stalking in the third degree after writing an article critical of an officer who I allege struck me with no justification.

I was, I allege, assaulted by county deputies while being processed at the county jail before bail posted.  I had a seizure and I was not given medical attention.  In fact, I was assaulted while I was vulnerable and not a threat.

The deputies were clearly not trained to recognize the different forms of seizures, or they knew and maliciously ignored it.  Because I was treated in such a manner, someone absolutely has to pay, but it has to be in a completely legal and ethical manner.  Actually, screw ethics.

Now why did I face such an ugly charge?  I merely wrote a critical but harmless article about the officer who I say assaulted me in early 2017.  The police department pressured the district attorney’s office to file charges because they couldn’t take the heat.

So what happened with the charge?  The APD and the county district attorney’s office wanted me in jail for one year.  However, the officer who allegedly assaulted me and about whom I wrote the article was considered a victim, but he was also considered to be the accused, because he allegedly drove drunk not once, but twice, so a special prosecutor from out of the county was appointed.

Yes, so many people wanted to see me in county for up to a year so that I could be paraded around, beaten, abused and victimized at the hands of deputies and state correctional officers.  However, because of my clean record and because I willingly took the benign article down, I wound up on probation for two years, a sentence that I served with honor and with absolutely no violations whatsoever.  I was so harmless that I only had to report once a month, and I was allowed out of county and out of state trips, something you have to get specific permission to do.

I never gave anyone a reason to doubt my compliance.  I don’t drink.  I don’t go to bars, taverns, clubs, etc.  I don’t do drugs. People who are on probation for any reason cannot do those sorts of things. I also had to consent to surprise visits to inspect my home for violations.  I had several such visits over the course of two years, but I never had any reason to fear an unannounced visit because I was so compliant.

I never feared them inspecting my fridge or anywhere or anything else for that matter.  I knew people were wishing for me to violate, which would have meant an immediate trip to county jail, followed, most likely, by a year in jail and the clock would have reset on my probation.  But I stood tall and completed my probation with no incidents whatsoever.

I never missed a report day either and it does make a difference that I had monthly visits.  Depending on the offense, some people on probation have to visit weekly or several times a week, maybe even daily.  If I had violated, I would have either gone to jail or, depending on the violation, I would have lost my out of county privileges as well as other sanctions.

If I’m being honest, the stalking charge was unreasonable and overcharged.  It was a witch hunt and an act of vengeance. But I followed my attorney’s counsel and took the plea bargain.  Even so, someone has to pay for that as well, again in a legal manner.

Even if that means merely not giving a statement to the police as a witness.  Even if it means witnessing a cop in peril and doing nothing.  Even if that means witnessing anyone in peril, where I would call no one and keep on walking because that would involve engaging the APD.

The way I was treated during that time period explains why I hate APD’s cops, and since the actions of the few reflect upon the many, I hate all cops.  So, then, you understand why I’m not exactly shedding a tear over the death of an officer who obviously didn’t take all the precautions that he should have.

I eagerly look forward to the day when I can get payback on the APD in a completely peaceful, ethical and legal manner.  One scenario that I wish for is me encountering an injured police officer on the ground, completely vulnerable, helpless and pathetic, as the result of someone else’s actions, not mine, or better yet, a severe medical calamity.

Rather than call 911, or use the officer’s radio to call out an “officer down,” I would simply stand there and mock the officer as he or she dies, all on the bodycam footage so that the APD can see that they will reap what they sowed.  Someone has to pay for how I was treated all those years ago and hopefully, I will get the chance to collect on that debt in a manner that is consistent with the law.

No, I would never actively do harm to an officer and I certainly don’t encourage or endorse anyone to bring harm to an officer of the law.  Doing so is not worth the prison time.  Would I do something if I could get away with it?  I can’t answer that question except in the heat of the moment.

No, I would never, if I encountered an officer alone and vulnerable, in grave danger, assist, even if the officer or detective had absolutely nothing to do with the unpleasant matter.  In that highly unlikely scenario, APD’s cops would review that bodycam footage and realize that the way they treat people can come back and bite them in their asses.

As for this officer, I am not moved by the pictures and video that show hundreds of officers paying tribute as the cop’s dead body is ushered off to its next destination.  It does my heart good when I read a story about a dead cop, because I know that somehow, somewhere, in some way, someone is paying for what was done to me.

I feel filthy for defending a black boy, but I’d much rather do that than portray a cop as a victim.