
When I become Albany’s 76th mayor in 2026, I will immediately terminate Albany’s status as a sanctuary city.  I will empower the APD to encounter, confront, confirm and arrest illegals when encountered, without exception.

While in custody, APD would contact ICE who will then take control of the illegal and do to them as seen fit.  Undocumented men, women and children would be included in this sweeping change.

A check of legal status would be conducted at all traffic stops and before any and all court proceedings.  I would make it mandatory for food pantries to confirm legal presence before doling out food.  Hit ’em where it hurts.  That’s the name of the game and I will be the master of said game.

I would also make it so that only people who are here legally can own property in Albany.  There are ways to enforce that and I will do so.

Under my leadership, Albany will work closely with ICE to conduct repeated operations to identify, capture and remove illegals.  ICE will send them back from whence they came with no regard for what may happen to those illegals.  I don’t care if families get torn apart.

Actions have consequences, and the illegals’ actions are, well…illegal, so anything they have gained here are ill-gotten gains. That’s why I won’t feel one bit bad for those who lose their illegal spouses and I definitely won’t lose sleep over kids being ripped away from illegal parents.

Look, this all sounds cruel.  I get it.  But in order to make an omelette, one must break some expensive eggs. It’s worth the money that those pricey eggs will take if it means ridding Albany of its illegals, all of whom are stealing from you.

Illegals are even stealing from the hungry.  Look in the lines at any food pantry in our city.  You’ll see numerous illegals.  Put it this way: imagine it’s you in line.  The last two people in line are you and an illegal, who is in front of you.

Oops!  They just ran out of food.

That means you, a person who belongs here, is going to go hungry because someone who is stealing the American way of life got the last bit of food, when in reality, that thief shouldn’t even get a morsel of bread.

That’s not acceptable and I will make sure that we catapult all illegals out, no matter what it takes.

I  will see to it that ICE hits food pantries, churches, hospitals, schools and anywhere else in its campaign to cleanse our country of illegals.  I have already reported several churches that feed and possibly shelter illegals.

If you put me in the game as your mayor, I will fight tooth and nail to get the illegals out once and for all.  Adios, Jose!  Pack your bags!