When I become Albany’s 76th mayor in 2026, I will immediately terminate Albany’s status as a sanctuary city. I will empower the APD to encounter, confront, confirm and arrest illegals when encountered, without exception.
I am of course a supporter of legal immigration, but this is a serious problem.
Anyway, while in custody, APD would contact ICE who will then take control of the illegal and do to them as seen fit. Undocumented men, women and children would be included in this sweeping change.
A check of legal status would be conducted at all traffic stops and other police encounters as well as before any and all court proceedings.
I would make it mandatory for food pantries to confirm legal presence before doling out food. Hit ’em where it hurts. That’s the name of the game and I will be the master of said game.
I would also make it so that only people who are here legally can own property in Albany. There are ways to enforce that and I will do so.
Under my leadership, Albany will work closely with ICE to conduct repeated operations to identify, capture and remove illegals. ICE will send them back from whence they came with no regard for what may happen to those illegals. I don’t care if families get torn apart.
Unlike our cowardly outgoing mayor, I will not obstruct ICE and in fact, I will work with them to conduct regular illegals sweeps.
No food pantry, church, hospital, doctor’s office, hotel, motel, school or private residence will be safe from sweeps for illegals under my leadership. I will work hard to deny medical care and public assistance to any and all illegals.
No longer will Albany be a sanctuary city!
When I speak of illegals, I mean any and all illegals, without regard to nationality, ethnicity, race, gender or anything else. Everyone has to go, even Canadians, eh?
Actions have consequences, and the illegals’ actions are, well…illegal, so anything they have gained here are ill-gotten gains. That’s why I won’t feel one bit bad for those who lose their illegal spouses and I definitely won’t lose sleep over kids being ripped away from illegal parents.
Illegals are stealing from all of us. They are even stealing from our hungry. Look at the lines at any food pantry in our city. You’ll see numerous illegals standing there in their illegal glory.
Put it this way: imagine that you’re going through a rough spot and it’s you in line. The last two people in line are you and an illegal, who is in front of you.
Oops! They just ran out of food!
That means you, a person who belongs here, along with your children, are going to go hungry because someone who is stealing the American way of life got the last bit of food, when in reality, that thief shouldn’t even get a morsel of bread nor even a drop of our water. Nor medical care, nor anything else.
Illegals stealing from Americans is not acceptable and I will make sure that we in Albany catapult all illegals out, no matter what it takes.
I will see to it that ICE hits our fine city’s food pantries, churches, hospitals, schools and anywhere else in its campaign to cleanse our country of illegals. I have already reported several churches that feed and possibly shelter illegals.
There is no need to wait until January. I have already met in person with an agent from ICE and have provided them with a list, a document that lists the hot spots where illegals are likely to congregate in Albany, along with sensitive information that will help them cleanse our city.
Again, food pantries, Home Depots, schools, churches likely to aid illegals even private residences are on the list, a list I compiled from various sources available to me.
Sure, ICE might have already have all those places on their radar, but I am showing them what I will do when I become mayor.
Because of the work that I’ve done, and because I stepped up for the people of Albany, ICE knows where to look when it’s Albany’s turn for them to pay a little visit, and Albany, you can thank me for making life safer and better for us all.
I will do even more damage to the illegals when I become mayor. Put me in the game and watch me score one or more for the fine people of Albany!
Additionally, I will also see to it that medical care, education and assistance from law enforcement is absolutely denied to any and all illegals without regard to their race, ethnicity, nationality, gender and so forth.
If things go the way that I am planning, I will help make it a misdemeanor for anyone to assist an illegal in any way. If that’s not within a mayor’s authority, I will advocate over and over and do whatever it is that I need to do until such a law is put on the books in Albany.
Maybe Albany could set the standard by which like-minded cities operate in regards to this matter. I, and the city of Albany, could be heroes of the campaign to give illegals the boot.
So, what do you say? Want to be a hero?
Put me in the mayor’s seat…after I replace it given that fumbling, bumbling, stumbling outgoing mayor Kathy Sheehan has done god knows what to it.
Yes, I am aware of a pending bill that would limit the use of local resources to round up illegals. If that bill passes into law, there are always loopholes and workarounds. Not only that, but we all know that unjust laws can be challenged in court.
I will, one way or another, advocate for Albany. Our safety and desire to remove eyesores cries out for justice. Illegals are illegal and that means it’s time to take out the trash.
Under my leadership, illegals will absolutely and without hesitation be removed from Albany, by any legal means necessary.
That bill becoming law will not deter me. It just means that it will take longer to get illegals out of Albany. Sometimes, patience is needed before one can accomplish one’s goals. This may just be one of those times, and I am in it for the long haul.
You’re here illegally? Man, woman or child…go hungry or go home! That might sound harsh, but I will lose no sleep over ridding Albany of its illegals. If I can collude with ICE on behalf of our city, all the better!
If I have to penalize supposedly innocent spouses (who have no business marrying or being with illegals) and children in the process, then so be it.
What I am proposing can be done, no matter what my opponents and others may say. Under my leadership, you can take it to the bank that what I am planning will happen.
I have many more ways and I look forward to revealing them as my campaign progresses, especially at debates.
If you put me in the game as your mayor, I will fight tooth and nail to get the illegals out once and for all!
Every last one of them…man, woman or child!