It was awful to watch

I’m angrier than a Catholic who saw his Christian faith mocked during the opening ceremony of the Olympics.  Normally, I don’t discuss sports, but this is an exception.  What they did was they got a bunch of trannies and drag queens to make fun of the Last Supper.

This should be enough to enrage any true Christian.  I found no humor in it.  I found no artistic value.  I will absolutely not link to the performance, but believe you me, it was the most disgusting thing I’ve seen since that one time I walked in on my first wife, who was butt-flossing.  Yep, that disgusting.

So apparently, it’s now open season on Christians and sexual deviants are allowed to mock us.  Now, what would happen if they’d made fun of Jews or Muslims?  That would never fly, but it’s perfectly okay if the target is Christians.

See, this is why drag queens, trannies, homosexuals and so forth, sexual deviants all in my opinion, should be arrested and put into state prison.  They’ll then find out why it’s called the pokey.

There’s really not much more to say here other than it was appalling to see.  And everyone seems to be okay with it.  That’s what’s wrong in America: Christianity is a target on our backs.
