I’m angrier than a blogger who accidentally busted his laptop’s screen and who had to use a larger-screened television as an exterior monitor. I’m also angry that his week’s pick didn’t get picked up by more radio stations than it did. This week’s pick is World in Fascination by Texas artists Machine in Motion.
The song was a moderate success when it was released in 1992. The song is catchy as is the music video itself. But it’s important to mention another video for this song. Actually, it’s not a music video per se. MMC (The Mickey Mouse Club) covered it in Season 5. This performance, in my opinion, is the best cover the long-defunct cable television series ever put out.MMC’s performance is actually better than Machine in Motion’s music video, but MIM’s version is indeed a good video. I think that MIM may have gone a little heavy on the strobe lighting, but other than that, it should have gotten more airplay on MTV (kids, it was a cable channel that actually played music videos!) than it did.
As for MMC’s version, the choreography and camera work is astoundingly effective and, once again, better than the original.
For those who are into rave/techno, etc., there’s an MIM remix for you.