For shame, Kathy!

Right now, even as I type this, Albany is getting hit with a snowstorm that, to the people around here, is apparently major.  I’ve driven across this country back and forth several times.  This storm is nothing, folks, but it’s a storm nonetheless.  Driving conditions are unsafe and, as of the time this was written, plows are not out.

When they do come out (if they do), it will be too little, too late.  The storm has been dumping snow on Albany for hours and any response now is meaningless, late and incompetent.  But hey, so is our mayor!

Albany’s response to this storm is abysmal. Once I’m YOUR mayor in 2026, this won’t happen. Once again, outgoing mayor Kathy Sheehan has failed us, putting her undeniable incompetence on display for all to see.

Sheehan put on a fancy press conference a couple of days ago and promised us that our city was prepared.  We were not and that happened under her watch. 

A broken promise from Sheehan.  Gee, what a surprise.  Thankfully, she’s not in the picture for this upcoming election.  Albany deserves better.

A vote for me is a vote for a better, faster, safer response to storms such as this, especially when we all know what’s coming days ahead of the fact.  My opponents are not capable of handling a situation like these. My background in logistics and scheduling helps makes me qualified.

We have an auditor, a guy who claims that he’s not a politician, but clearly is, a so-called “activist” (who is really just an uppity instigator, in my opinion) who been rejected by voters at least once before and a guy who’s been rejected by voters twice. Two candidates have been told no multiple times, but they keep coming back for more.

Voting for any of them would be a waste because none of them are the best men for the job.  I, unlike them, am in touch with the needs of Albany’s citizens.

If I had been in charge today, my response would have been swift and true, and I’m certain that there would have been less lives put at risk on our roads.  But then again, Sheehan doesn’t care about anyone’s safety.  I do.

For shame, Kathy.