Under my leadership as Albany’s 76h mayor, I will improve and maintain our city’s readiness for a nuclear launch. Remember, Albany is a first-strike target. At this very moment, Russia has ICBM’s aimed at the entire Albany area because of high-value strategic targets in the area.
Knolls Atomic Lab and Watervliet Arsenal as well as Stratton Air National Guard Base are just three of the several high-value targets in our area. Though not in Albany proper, their status would directly affect us.
With Russia’s constant threats in recent months, nuclear war is a reality that Albany must be prepared for. Right now, Albany has no plans, putting you in peril. We can’t stick our heads in the sand and hope that the problem just goes away. It is not a problem that city leaders can laugh away.
I will do all I can to shelter as many of us as possible. This means reactivating our old Cold War-era fallout shelters and it means building new ones. Will we be able to shelter everyone? No, but we can shelter as many of our city’s residents as possible.
We can’t defend ourselves against a strike, but I do believe that, under my leadership, we can shelter ourselves when, not if, that day comes.
Those other guys don’t care about this. But I do! I’m just trying to watch your back.