We’ll see what happens

(Photo: David Lucas, WAMC-FM) You know, I am not an idiot.  I read things about me on Albany-themed forums and websites (I do not use social media such as X, Facebook, etc.).

A lot of the time, I get anonymous email with links to articles and threads (I won’t give that one free Google Juice) that discuss me, or more to the point, my campaign and efforts to become your 76th mayor.

One comment that stood out to me is that “[I don’t] know what it’s like to run a city” like Albany.  Oh, no, no, no.  I do in fact know!  Sure, I am coming to you without political experience, but I’ve called Albany home since 2013.  I know what I’m doing, folks.

A lot of people seem to take issue with the goals that I’ve set for myself should I pull this off and win.  And yes, I do know that I am, as WAMC reported, a “long shot” candidate.  I am okay with being called that because I am, in fact, a long shot candidate, especially since the irresponsible Democratic party pretty much runs the city.  They’re like the mafia, but less clever.

One local media outlet has flat out refused to list me as a candidate in a report filed yesterday.  Well, forget them then.  Of course, irresponsible journalism is their forte, so I can’t cry too much about it, can I?  No, I can’t.  From now on, it’ll be a “refused to comment” when and if they do mention me.

Our city isn’t the only thing that leaves a lot to be desired.  The entire state, for example, refused to flip and voted for Kamala Harris, who is leaving Washington, D.C. with her tail between her legs.  Of course, they bet on the wrong horse.  Albany’s voters have a chance to bet on the right horse: me.

In response to someone saying that my bullet points, and me specifically, are “bat s**t crazy,” as one participant wrote, I’m crazy like a fox.

I have gotten a lot of positive email messages from patriots who care about Albany.

At least some people get it.  As for the person who wrote that I am supposedly “crazy,” I can only say that,well, this is America.  It’s that person’s right to write that.  I have to expect that some people, like that writer, are themselves crazy for dismissing me as someone who doesn’t know what it takes.  Oh, yes, I certainly do.

Here’s the thing: I don’t care about the naysayers.  I know that my goals after being elected are what’s best for the city.  And I am quite serious about each and every one of my goals.  I stand behind them and I will, as some say, die on this hill.  If I lose, then at least I know that I tried to do the right thing.

If elected, I will absolutely come in and reform the police department.  I will, on day one, dismiss the current leadership, immediately replacing it with my own people.  Yes, I will dismiss officers, detectives and administrative staff.  There are way too many employees in the department.  I want to keep Albany safe, but we’re still keeping too many LEO’s on the payroll.

I will slash many other departments as well.  I will be like the Grim Reaper (drawing courtesy of mythicalcreatures.info).  I will tear the Parking Authority to pieces, completely eliminating it.  I will slash payroll left and right in all departments.  I am so serious about being Albany’s Grim Reaper that, if I by some twist of fate prevail, I will take the oath dressed as Death.  Yes, I am dead serious (no pun intended).

I will also require all city employees, current and future, to reside in the city.  If they truly care about Albany, they will move.  If they don’t care, then they’ll be dismissed without further argument.

There are so many goals that if I discussed each and every one here, this article would go on and on.  The other big one that I want to briefly discuss is my heroic plan to revoke this city’s status as a sanctuary city.

I will empower and require police officers and detectives to seek out and capture illegals and immediately report them to ICE.  We have way too many illegals here and it’s time to fix that.  It’s nothing personal, folks.  It’s just business.  Getting illegals out of here will be a smart financial and moral move.

I will also slash property, school and sales taxes.  I will drastically raise the minimum wage within city boundaries. That’ll make your wallet heavier.

But I’m not done yet, folks.  I will make it easier and enticing for landlords to do business here.  I will empower them to refuse to rent to illegals.  In fact, I will require them to verify a potential tenant’s immigration status before renting to that person.

The list goes on and on.

What I will say to local media outlets is this: don’t discount me and don’t misunderstand me.  I am a viable candidate and I am what’s right and best for Albany.

Do you care about Albany?  Yes?  Do the right thing and give me a fair shot at becoming your next mayor.  I deserve that much, and you deserve better than the current competition.

They don’t truly care.  I do.