I am deadly serious!

Ever since I announced my candidacy late last month, I have gotten several emails from people who think that this is all one great big joke.  They think that I’m not serious.  Well, as my grandmother would say, they’ve got another think coming.

There is a long road ahead of me.  Because of the way the elections run here in NY State, I will go straight to the November ballot as long as one condition has been met: I need to submit petitions, or more accurately, nominations.  In total, I’ll need 1,201 signatures.  Just to be safe, make it 1,400 to offset any signatures that may be deemed invalid.

I have formed my own political party as I am running as neither a Democrat (NY is a heavily Democratic state) nor a Republican.  I give you one A Crook for A Better Albany!

I am not allowed to troll for signatures until April 15th, and then I’ll have until May 24th to deliver the signatures to the Elections Board live and in person.  I am hopeful and confident that, once people see what I’m promising should I become mayor, people will sign.  If, however, I don’t get the signatures that I need, I will launch a write-in campaign.

To my fellow candidates and to the Democrat and Republican parties, understand this: I am not giving up without one hell of a fight.

One way or another, I will be running.  One way or another, I will proudly stand for what’s necessary to indeed make Albany a much better place than it is right now.  Albany is in deep trouble thanks to the dishonorable Kathy Sheehan, a woman who has single-handedly ruined Albany.

Okay, sure, she had some help, but she is the one ultimately responsible for the mess that Albany has become.  Sadly, for the rest of the year, this vile woman is steering this ship.  But I am here to throw her off of the ship into the abyss.

Dear voter, it’s okay, because I am here to undo what she done did.  Believe me, you and and need me stepping into her office and sitting down at her desk on January 1st.  I am no politician.  Voters have let party candidates run the show.  Look what they’ve done.

You need a guy like me because I know what citizens of Albany need as I am one.  I have no loyalties to any party, unlike my fellow candidates.  That means my interests are your interests.  Can the other candidates say that in honesty?  No.  This time, go for the only candidate whose intentions are to serve not parties, but you.

In the coming days, I will be happy to post links to interviews that I’ve already done or that I will be doing.  This way, people can see right here and right now that I am the candidate to make good things happen.  Those other guys?  All they want is to serve their parties’ interests, not yours.

If you want to know what I plan to do if I become mayor, you can see my main page.  There, you will see what you’ll get with a Crook in office!

In order to make Albany a much better place than it is now, I need support from you, the Albany voter.  I am in need of volunteers, donors and voters.  Please consider helping a Crook out so I can help you out.  If you want to help in any way, email me at michael.crook@michaelcrook.org, or reach me at (518) 620-8483.



This portion of this website is paid for and is the the responsibility of A Crook for A Better Albany. michael.crook@acrookforabetteralbany.com.