Ass ahoy!

If you want a good laugh at someone else’s expense today, you need look no further than the picture at the left.  This photograph depicts a real situation: a person, gender unknown, was so lazy at an unknown Walmart location that this person tipped over, all 500 pounds of, let’s say, him.

How could anyone not see that coming?  Given that that person knows his weight, it’s a shock that he still went for the soda.  It’s pure physics after all!

It’s comical to see. It was probably a lot more comical to see it actually happen live and in person!

I don’t know when this happened and I don’t know for sure the person’s gender.  The fact of the matter is that Fatty Booms here provided some great entertainment at his expense.  I mean, how lazy and slothful do you have to be to be beyond morbidly obese?

Whomever took the photo and posted it to People of Walmart is to be applauded.  This photograph has obviously spread like wildfire.  Obese wildfire!

Anyway, there’s your laugh for the day!