Cut The Library?

A previous version of this page outlined my plans to cut the library system’s budget by 20% and my proposal to close the Bach branch.  I am aware that the library’s budget is separate from the city’s and I am aware that such proposals would be difficult to achieve, if at all.  I was ready to do whatever it took to make those things happen, one way or another.

However, upon further reflection, I can only come to one conclusion:

I fucked up.

I realize that the city’s library system provides invaluable services.  Although I feel that the system’s spending habits could be wiser, I understand that a lot of citizens would be adversely affected if my proposals were to ever become reality, and we can’t let competing cities outdo us.

Therefore, I publicly admit that, again, I fucked up big time by even suggesting cuts and closures. I do apologize to the library’s leadership and employees for even bringing it up.

While I cannot at this time get on board with any sort of a budget increase, to take things away would do much more harm than good.

If I do become mayor, though, I will ask to see the city’s budget in details, including details about leadership salaries, and I will at that time make suggestions that I feel will make the system wiser stewards of taxpayer monies without cutting or closing anything.