They can’t handle the truth is all

As my frequent readers know, I, for thirty years, was a Mormon, or more accurately, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I recently officially left, meaning that I had my records permanently removed, having converted to Catholicism in 2022.

The church is up in arms over a movie, Heretic, that hasn’t even been released yet.  It features famed actor Hugh Grant who plays a former member of the church.  The church is whining because the Mormons think their “core beliefs” are being mocked.  Well, of course they’re being mocked!  They’re not even a real church!

Now, I was invited to see a preview screening to see the movie, an offer which I readily accepted.  However, I had to sign paperwork stating that I wouldn’t discuss details, because that would be one big spoiler. I have no problem with the way that the movie portrays Mormonism.  In fact, I think it’s hilarious that the church’s doctrine and teachings will be mocked and mocked mercilessly.  They deserve nothing less.

But I can tell you this: the movie actually treats Mormons with kid gloves.  Everything the movie portrays is true.  The members of the church are up in arms on social media over a movie that they haven’t even seen yet!

The movie will be released in November and the Mormons are already accomplishing the direct opposite of what they want: they are giving the movie free publicity and they’re only making more and more people want to see the movie.  If they’d simply kept their whining to themselves, they wouldn’t be being attacked on social media.

Now, as for the church being a false religion.  Remember, their founder, Joseph Smith, made all sorts of wild claims and people, even to this day, are eating it right up.  Some crazy things that prove Mormonism to be a false religion include the following:

  • Smith claimed that God and Jesus appeared in front of him in a forest in Palmyra, New York.  He offered no hard evidence other than his word, something that was no good in the area, because he had a criminal record for…survey says…lying.  The church is founded upon lie after lie.
  • Smith proclaimed himself a prophet, which he of course never was.
  • Smith claimed that he, a man without an education, translated their famed and fictional Book of Mormon from golden plates.  There’s no way to verify Smith’s claims, because Smith said that an angel swooped down and conveniently took the plates away.  Clearly, Smith wrote a book of fiction as there is nothing to back up his claims.
  • Smith made up the concept of polygamy, claiming that an angel with a flaming sword commanded him to teach and practice polygamy, something that the church continues to do in its temples.
  • Smith claimed that prophets of old gave him the priesthood.
  • Smith committed crimes wherever he went, leading him and his believers to flee all around the country until settling in Utah.
  • Smith married multiple females, including a 14-year-old girl, making him a child molester and pedophile.
  • The Mormons worship more than one god, as evidenced in their hymn, Praise to The Man, which worships Smith as a god.
  • The church teaches that all worthy men will become gods over their own planets.
  • The church teaches that God lives on his own planet, named Kolob.
  • The church teaches that they’re the only true church, the only church founded by Christ, but that simply isn’t true, is it?  The Catholic Church was founded in AD 33 by none other than Christ Himself.

I could go on and on, but the point here is that nothing about the Mormon church is true.  It’s all based on the lies of a false prophet.  Because of that, they of course are going to be called out in movies and television shows!

I eagerly await the day when this movie is released, because the world will once again see how ridiculous and false the church is.  They can whine and play the role of the victim, but it will do no good.  It will be hilarious to watch Mormons have meltdowns on social media!

Oh, and if you want to learn more about the Mormons’ false teachings, read the CES Letter.


(Editor’s note: Read this article, where I destroy Praise To The Man.)