I’m angrier than a Catholic who thought, over the course of three years, he had the trust of the parish leadership, only to find out that he does not. It really frosts my cupcakes, and that’s not a good thing in Mikeyland. Yesterday, I ranted and raved about the topic, so read that before you read any further.
At Saturday’s Mass, I helped, at the last minute, grab people to be ushers as all of the regular ushers were away at a men’s retreat. As you read in yesterday’s article, the priest, whom I’ve known for three years, and whom helped me through the RCIA process, practically accused me of trying to make off with the collections, which probably totaled around $3,000.
To be accused of such a thing is inexcusable to me, especially since I’ve served in a variety of capacities. I’ve been an usher, a sacristan, an altar server and just an overall helper.
I would think that, after three years, I’d have earned some degree of trust. It became clear to me on Saturday that I have not. So it’s time to leave my now former parish, given that the priest tried to make a thief out of me in front of people when the thought of stealing money, or anything for that matter, has never occurred to me. Being accused in front of other people was humiliating. I will never forget that.
Given the nature and level of the accusation, I decided to leave that parish, as much as pains me to do so.
Today, I officially registered with my new parish, which is located about twenty minutes on the bus line, as opposed to walking just around the corner, just a five-minute walk from my front door.
It’s a long time to get to church, but the bus ride is so simple that I don’t mind the extra effort. It’s a straight shoot down the major street. And yes, I am intentionally naming neither the old one nor the new one. And, intentionally, no photos.
I did communicate with the Administrative Manager of my former parish today, who tried to talk me out of leaving, something that I appreciate, given how much I’ve served the parish and given that I was baptized, confirmed and received First Communion there. But my decision is final, even given how attached I’ve become to the parish. It both hurts and angers me.
I never want to see that priest again. I never want to talk to him again. I never want to be in his company. I want nothing to do with him whatsoever. What he did cannot be forgotten, but in time it can be forgiven. But that time is not now.
What’s more, and it really has nothing to do with the topic at hand I admit, the parish has a jerk who insists on serving in every capacity when the youth altar servers are gone. Now that they’ve left for college, he will likely try to be the lector, altar server and pretty much everything else but ushering. Ushering was my territory, along with around five others.
By transferring to a new parish, I obviously cannot be an usher nor anything else anymore, at least until they ask me. When I registered, I listed the things that I did at my old parish.
At my now former parish, I was also backup altar server, although that’s never come into play, because the jerk I mentioned never asks for help because of his territoriality, even though he knows that I can be an altar server without stealing his thunder. But that’s not good enough for him!
Believe you me, I am not going to miss that guy, who by the way has a gay accent and lisp. Just saying. And he does kind of swish around. Plus, I’ve never seen a wife or girlfriend. Swish, swish!
Also, I will never miss the priest. I’m at the level of wanting to key his car and fill his gas tank with sugar. Of course, I won’t do anything of the nature. He’s not worth the legal consequences, nor is he worth the guilt. But it was a nice dream.
I’ve decided to go to Mass on Tuesdays and Saturdays at my new parish. Now I have to start all over, especially letting the priests know about my DNR/MOLST so that they can ensure that no one intervenes if I have a medical emergency. I have my DNR necklace and bracelet, so that should be a cue to any wannabe heroes to back the hell off.
It’s going to take some getting used to going to a new parish, but I cannot go back given the accusation the priest levied against me. I tried to do the right thing and got kicked in the junk for doing so. There is no way that I’m returning to that parish. None at all. I don’t even want my Funeral Mass there.
At first, I was humiliated, but that expeditiously gave way to white hot anger. Shame on that priest. I thought he was better than that, but clearly, I was wrong. I’ve handled hundreds of thousands of dollars in my retail management career, and I never once stole a dime. Why would I steal from that parish and from God Himself?
It’s a shame that it’s come down to this, but it is what it is.